Mobiliteach – In-depth Sectoral Specialisation of VET Teachers
Mobiliteach – In-depth sectoral specialisation of VET teachers project aims to develop a training module for teachers on how to set up cross-sectoral activities for learners. The training contents will be created thanks to the exchange of good practices from partners. The module is being developed and tested in four training events:
- Online – December 2020
- Fatima – June 2021
- Athens – November 2021
- Bologna – March 2022
Based on the experiences developed on two previous KA2 projects, the innovative training module Mobiliteach turned here to this specific improvement area based of the needs identified by the partnership . We refer in particular to the necessity of increasing multidisciplinarity to create more interactive and interesting content for students. It is the case for example combining vocational subjects such as food processing, catering and tourism with other such as science and mathematics to improve the achievements in STEAM.