The idea

Mobiliteach International Trainings address teachers and school staff, educators and trainers from all over Europe to support their continuous professional development. 

The training format and methodology has been developed by a network of EU organizations within the framework of the KA2 Project “WBL Summer School”.  The format has been then enlarged to new topics thanks to the 2018 KA2 project “Improving WBL in Mobility by increasing TEACHers’ planning competences and the 2019 KA2 project “Mobiliteach – In-depth sectoral specialisation of VET teachers”.

Mobiliteach Trainings have been conceived with an innovative approach. They are based on experiential activities, practitioners’ peer to peer learning and exchange of good practices, so that all participants will actively participate in all the sessions. Moreover Mobiliteach allows participants to meet people working in the educational field from all over Europe and to enlarge their networks.

Participants will go back home with new working tools, with a deeper understanding of other educational systems, with a clearer vision of the differences existing in Europe and with a new challenge: to bring innovation into their daily work and within their schools!

Mobiliteach Trainings can be 100% funded by Erasmus + grants. Interested organization will be supported in preparing the application with  all the information required, such as detailed learning outcomes and daily programmes.