Eco.Tour – Enhancing teachers Competences on Sustainable tourism

The Project

The exponential growth of the tourism sector has resulted in concerns over the sector’s sustainability needs. The main focus of the ECO.TOUR project is to foster the use of innovative teaching methodologies on sustainable tourism in VET schools. ECO.TOUR gathered VET organisations across Europe with training courses on tourism that are willing to improve the education on environmental sustainability given the rising interconnection between these two themes. Putting together the know-how of the partners generates a rich collection of best practices, which can be useful for all VET providers in Europe and can foster innovative ideas that are capable of modernising teaching.

In the framework of the project, the partnership designed four teacher training and published a collection of good practices. The programme of the event and the catalogue are available for consultation and for downloading in the sections “Resources”.

Grant Nº 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008511