The idea behind Mobiliteach – Gastouni, 3 – 6 September ’19
In the same outlook as Erasmus, our final objective is to enable students from all schools and training centers to have access to an experience of life abroad during their curricula.
WBL in Mobility is a travelling Summer School addressing teachers of VET schools and staff of Mobility Coordinating Organisations from all over Europe interested in improving their competences on how to plan and manage Erasmus+ mobility projects.
Basing itself on role-playing and exchange of good practices, WBL in Mobility will enable participants to completely immerse themselves in each steps of mobilities as students, hostings organizations and other stakeholders. This innovative approach will help them gain skills and competences in preparing, managing and disseminating learning mobilities, in addition to enlarging their network.
At the end of the Summer School, participants will go back to their organizations full of new tools and a better understanding of each stakeholders and their expectations and needs. Having the point of view of several organizations of Europe will help them face a new challenge : develop or improve learning mobility projects in their VET centers!