Khan Academy

KHAN ACADEMY is an American online learning platform, offering practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalised learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. The platform is free and available for students of all ages and levels, from kindergarten to college and it is aiming at providing education and learning to all the people, despite their social, economic and cultural background. The courses offered are related to math and science, economics and IT, but also arts and humanities. Teachers can set up a classroom, assign the courses from KHAN ACADEMY’s database to students and track their learning process, through several tutorial, teaching materials and tests. In the there is also an area dedicated to partents, allowing them to follow the learning path of their children. KHAN ACADEMY is fully available in 17 languages and partially available in 29 languages.

Examples of application:

KHAN ACADEMY can be used both in a class and individually by students. Teachers can use the platform to assign lessons and practice to the entire class, but it is also possible to establish mastery goals for groups of students or individuals. In this way students “in the bottom” can learn at their own pace and catch up with the rest of the class.

Area: LMS
Interaction: YES
Type of Interaction: synchronous, asynchronous
Language: multiple languages
Available for free: YES
Suggested for working with: entire class, individual students
Related Tools: E-TwinningCanvas, MoodleEdmodoBlackboardSchoology, NearpodWakeletGoogle Classroom, Weschool, Treccani Scuola