Let’s Play VET

LET’s Play VET platform (https://www.switchlearning.eu/) is a result of an Erasmus+ KA2 project (2017-1-IT01-KA202-006184) involving 6 partners from 5 countries (Ireland, Spain, Hungary, Belgium and Italy) and led by CNOS FAP Emilia Romagna, an Italian VET provider. The project was born to increase the attractiveness of initial vocational training and therefore reduce the early school leaving in Europe, through the introduction of a new educational methodology, based on the concept of “Learning Playlist”. Learning Playlists consist in a set of e-learning experiences (missions and assignments) that VET students have to fulfill in order to complete a learning unit of their course. These missions are conceived to offer an alternative to frontal lessons, through active learning methods, such as: work-based learning, E-learning assignments; mobility abroad, study visits, seminars, participation in local community initiatives, production of videos or pictures etc. The platform gives the opportunity to teachers to monitor and assess students’ progress and to create personalised playlists, according to the students’ needs. Students will be therefore at the center of the learning experience, they will have the chance to express themselves in an alternative and creative way and to choose in which order to complete the playlists, according to their inclinations and interest. Once playlists are completed, students will receive digital open badges to certify their progress.

Examples of application:

Teachers can decide whether to involve the entire class or just a group of students at risk of early school leaving (fewer opportunities, learning difficulties, low motivation, etc.). Existing playlists can be used, or new ones can be created by teachers according to the specific VET course, to the interest and needs of the target students.

Area: Gamification
Interaction: Yes
Type of Interaction: Asynchronous
Language: EN; DE; LT; EE; NL; RU; SI; IT; GR; FR; FI; PT Playlists mostly in EN
Available for free: Yes
Suggested for working with: Individual, groups or entire classes of VET students (especially fewer opportunities and potential early leavers)
Related Tools:Badge WalletOpen Badge FactoryOpen Badge PassportBadge Design