Mentimeter is an interactive presentation platform that enables users to prepare presentations with quizzes, polls and other very useful interactive activities to increase the engagement of learners such as word clouds or live questions on screen. Students can interact through their smartphones by writing the PIN number of the presentation on the website https://www.menti.com/.
Mentimeters is available for free with some limitations.
Examples of application:
Interactive presentation with quizzes and polls with Mentimeter can be used in many ways for example:
a) as a direct feedback to verify if the students have understood the content of a lesson;
b) to introduce the topic of a class by stimulating the curiosity of learners;
c) to ask opinions of learners and make them activelly participating with the word cloud feature;
d) to let learners ask questions through their mobiles that can be answered live by the teacher/presenter.
Practical example of a webinar realised with the use Mentimeter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEzH4xVoFZs
Area: interactive presentations |
Interaction: YES |
Type of Interaction: synchronous |
Language: EN |
Available for free: YES (with limitations) |
Suggested for working with: entire class, groups of students |
Related Tools:Kahoot! |